Stainless Steel Linen Finish Sheets

Stainless Steel Linen Finish Sheets

Stainless steel hairline finish is a type of surface finish that is achieved by grinding stainless steel with an abrasive material to create a long, linear pattern. The pattern resembles the texture of human hair or Human Hairline. The finish has a relatively matte surface, which means it is not necessarily reflective. It has a finish featuring long and short lines making the surface non-reflective. Polished stainless steel, on the contrary, has a shiny surface.

The hairline finish is a general-purpose design finish that has been used for a long time. It is available in different colors and texture coatings, making it visually appealing.

Stainless Steel Silver Linen Finish Sheets

Stainless Steel Gold Linen Finish Sheets

SS Linen Finish Sheets Silver Coated

SS Linen Finish Sheets Gold Coated

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